Tuesday 30 April 2013

Banbury and Cropredy

It was a bright sunny morning, so much so that we awoke early. As a result we set off sooner than usual (for us!) even though we took our time. It was really quite warm to start with and the small fluffy clouds rarely obscured the sunshine. Alas, by the time we had a mid-morning mug of coffee the clouds had spread and it was not only overcast but distinctly colder.

Chisnell Lift Bridge
 Unlike on our journey southwards a couple of weeks ago, Chisnell Lift Bridge was open and so we did not have to stop - Mike had waited until Christine was ready to help before setting off as it was just a few minutes from our overnight mooring. These bridges are almost impossible to operate single-handed. OK, so it can be done but it's not nice!

Mike saw something in a field alongside the canal and from a distance wondered if it was some sort of old-style gyrocopter. Alas, it was merely an irrigation device!

At the waterways maintenance base just above Nell Bridge there were mainly piles of materials for the current fashion in bank repairs which are intended to create softer edges and to promote weed growth.

At the pig farm the thoroughbreds are about to be fed on out-of-date sliced bread - definitely looked like the sort that some of us would quickly turn our snouts up at, but not these creatures!

Kings Sutton Church
Kings Sutton and its ornate church steeple are just across the meadows from the lock but the village is really not accessible from the canal other than by a long walk from the bridges some distance to the north or south.

Samulesons Bridge
By 12:45 we arrived at the outskirts of Banbury and moored just before Samuelsons Bridge. We had lunch - Christine had brought some stock made from our most recent roast chicken at home and had made tasty soup during the morning.

The real reason for stopping here is because a large Morrisons store is very close to the bridge and so, before setting off we made a foray to pick up some items that we did not bring from home. It will be several days before we pass another place for shopping.

Foundry in Banbury
The casting works was very silent when we came down and we wondered if it had closed. However, today it was operating at full tilt so perhaps it was a holiday break last time.

After a brief stop below Banbury Lock to use the sani station we continued through the town - a statue outside the arts centre was made by a class of students with learning disability.

Little Bourton Lock
By now the sunshine had returned and the afternoon and early evening continued to be rather pleasant.

Slat Mill Lock
As we approached Slat Mill Lock we remarked that we could not recall anything distinctive about this lock, with no house and quite isolated. Slander too soon as we spotted a plaque recording the replacement of the gate

Slat Mill - New Gates
A couple of times today we spotted some very newly born chicks - these just below Cropredy. (The photo was snatched and poor quality but the chicks looked much better!)

Christine stopped off at the main bridge in the village to check that they will have a newspaper in the morning - yes they will and so we stopped at the first available mooring. Being Cropredy, always a popular place, we had to continue until opposite the new marina under construction.

The mobile connection is not very good here and pix may have to wait until later . . .

13.0 miles - 9 locks

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