The day started with Mike doing a little DIY - some varnish on the thresholds front and back which are looking a little worn. As soon as we set off we encountered the six locks on the Titford Canal, traditionally known as The Crow. The had been quite a lot of water coming down overnight and the short pounds were more than full - as each lock was emptied the level below overflowed the top and sides of the lock.
We made an attempt to buy some replacment hardwood for the back and side doors but the workshop advertising it only buys it in to order - could we come back in a few days? Ah well, it is not operationally critical, more cosmetic.

Next came the three Smethwick Locks - which seemed quite hard to operate this time - which brought us back down to the New Main Line. We actually passed another boat as it turned onto the line we had just left. Again, perhaps no more than three or four boats passed - so where do all the boats moored at Brindley Place come from?

Winding was a bit tricky - not officially a turning point but the entrance to the moorings was just large enough - given the odd bump at the front! Back at bridley Place and the mooring spot we had picked out when we passed half an hour earlier had now been taken, but we did manage to find a satisfactory spot, but these particular moorings are suprisingly popular and filled up. There were some more back around towards Farmers Bridge not taken but they do suffer from being close to the air conditioning plant for the National Indoor Arena. Time then to do some packing up and cleaning, ready to hand over to the Oxford crew in the morning.