Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Fosse and Stockton

We awoke - late - to a brilliant day, bright blue sky and a real fresh feel to the air. The view back to the last lock from yesterday, below a disused railway bridge over both canal and river, was spectacular.

Although we only travelled about four miles all day, we did pass through 19 locks. The first few were quite spread out but, by the time we came to the Bascote flight they were becoming much closer together. Above the middle Fosse lock we filled up with water - in a later lock the front locker also filled with water! (Some broad locks, if they leak through the middle of the gates, can produce quite a fountain of water!)

Above Bascote locks we took a break for lunch in the warm and bright sunshine. Almost tmepting to stay put but we had the longer Itchington (or Stockton) locks to tackle. In fact they were made much easier with an offer of help with the locks from a bystander out for the day! In one lock, BW had a work boat and were re-painting the cill markers. The previous white line with the word 'cill' painted alongside was being stripped off and replaced by another white line with the word 'cill' in black letters on top. No doubt there is a good health and safety reason why this change is worth the cost, especially when so much other urgent maintenance is needed.

Mid way between the top of the flight and Calcutt Locks we made an early stop and the day has remained as beautiful as it started. Alas, several people have reported to us that the forecast for tomorrow is not good. Since we still cannot make the TV receive a signal, we will have to rely on a radio forecast. Also time for a few maintenance tasks - including fixing the warning signal from the engine control panel - seemed to be the same loose screw as before.
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