Sunday, 25 October 2009

Sunday in Banbury

Sunday 25th October

Although we managed to change all the clocks last night, somehow the water heater clock became stuck at the time it was changed! As a result, Christine started the engine as soon as she realised so that we could have some hot water - but Mike also managed to sort out the timer.

It was a bright and beautiful autumnal morning - just the occasional very light sprinkling of rain from time to time, but mostly clear blue skies.

As planned, we made our way up into town and found St Mary's church - this was where Robin Baker - whom we had known in our time at Christ the Cornerstone in central Milton Keynes, was priest. He was in Banbury for five years until 1991. This is a huge church, shared also with the United Reformed Church. Although they have a full sound system - the church is also a well-used venue for arts performances - we found the acousitics made listening to speech very difficult. Christine ended up with a headache!

After the service we wandered back through the shopping centre and picked up a baguette from M and S for lunch - as well as photographing the Banbury Cross and statue. It is the 150th anniversary of the erection of this cross and there was a celebration in the town centre in the afternoon.

Back at the boat we were soon ready to set off and went up the Banbury town lock only to be met by some aggressive canoists who told us that we should not p;roceed for the next two - three hours as there was a series of canoe races on the canal for the next six miles. There was no notification of this event and we doubted whether they were acting with the consent of BW but discretion led us to mooring up in the town centre.

After lunch, Mike went to buy some Bluetak to make a temporary fixing for the two reading spot lights we bought some time ago but have not fitted. This will allow us to try out the positions before finally fixing them. We don't want to make screw holes in the wood panelling in the wrong place!

Even later, Christine decided that her headache was making her restless and opted for a walk to the DIY sheds!

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