Saturday, 4 January 2014

Saturday : Girls Return Home

After the excursions of yesterday, no-one was in the mood for an energetic start to the day! Fortunately, in the marina the satellite TV reception is quite good - except when the wind moves the boat around. The accuracy for pointing the dish at the satellite is rather high and only a little movement can move it off target. The result is an ominous No Signal message on the screen.

Midday and Mike set out with the two girls to walk along the towpath to Tesco for a few items (actually he went for just milk and a paper but lunch was enhanced by some bagels - for Alice - and a sausage roll - for Jess. After all the rain, there was plenty of water on the tow path and also a small tree had come down as well which we had to climb over.

After lunch, Alice demonstrated her developing skill with the violin - since October her tone has much improved and there is some confidence in creating a melody and a rhythm.

We received a phone call around 2:30 wondering if the girls were ready to come home! We had not been expecting that their parents would be back from the night away until a bit later. However, we were ready packed and so bundled cases, games, violin case and stand - whatever - into the car for the short trip back to Windsor.

So that was our grand parenting over for another holiday!

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