Monday, 28 December 2015

Fixing Problems

Andrew decided to return home as we were not on the move! Mike made an attempt to investigate the problem with the battery charger and gathered some evidence. He then emailed Orph Mable at Oxley marine and was somewhat surprised to get a speedy reply.

There were several exchanges during the afternoon gathering yet more evidence but the final set of questions had to wait until the next day as by then it was too dark to see outside.

Whilst this was going on, Mike also set about adding new catches to the under-bunk doors, same as those which we have had for some time on the larger cupboard doors which we have found effective. The child-proof catches we originally fitted to these smaller doors have never worked terribly well and when we have a bump, such as in a lock, then most of them tend to fly open and be an obstacle to walking through the cabins.

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