Saturday, 20 February 2016

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

We set off for B&Q in good time this morning. Christine went to the Click and Collect Counter whilst Mike looked for a few other items. She was initially rather disappointed to discover that although a mirror was indeed waiting for her to collect it was the wrong size - far too wide to fit in the required space. Fortunately and with great relief the assistant found the correct item in the store itself!

Meanwhile Mike was trying to find a bolt and some hex nuts to make an attempt at restraining the bow fender so that it does not push to one side whenever the boat pushes up against a top lock gate. He soon discovered why B&Q have to employ one person almost full time sorting out the nuts and bolts of the business. Customers routinely move items from one box to another seemingly quite at random. It took considerable time to locate a matching set of bolt, washers and nuts!

After we had paid for the mirror and other items we then remembered that we needed to buy some sticky mirror pads to fix it to the wall. These took a bit longer to track down than might have been expected . . .

Back to the boat and the mirror was put on the wall as quickly as Mike could manage - it was the safest place for it. Even so, he nearly had a mishap in the confined space.

After lunch, with light rain now arrived, Mike fitted the adaption to the bow fender. OK, so it does not look elegant but we will have to wait for our next trip to give it a try. If it works it is possible that we could look for something a bit smarter!

Apart from a brief trip to Morrisons that was it for the day.

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